

但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 [104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩

經過了[104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩的多方比價後,決定在這買,CP值超高的







20150604LXL_SG-31On The Go

Samson's Go Mic Direct is the ideal portable audio solution for Skype, FaceTime, voice recognition software, as well as recording audio for YouTube, lectures, podcasts and webinars. The Go Mic Direct also features the Samson Sound Deck Noise Cancellation Software (Mac OS X/Windows), allowing you to capture pristine, accurate vocal communications and recordi網購人氣產品ngs in any environment. With Go Mic Direct, you'll never want to use your computer's internal microphone again.

Unique, Ultra-Compact Design

The Go Mic Direct's custom, ultra-compact design features a built-in USB connector that allows the mic to be plugged directly into your computer without blocking surrounding ports. In addition, the connector is retractable for maximum portability and safe transport when not in use.

Plug & Play

Compatible with both Mac OS X and Windows, Go Mic Direct offers convenient plug-and-play operation with no driver installation required. It also works with iPads and iPhones (4S and later) using Apple's Lightning USB Camera Adapter or Camera Connection Kit (30-pin), making it a great tool for mobile podcasting, popular speech-to-text software and field recording.

At the core of the Go Mic Direct is the Samson Sound Deck Noise Cancellation Software, available as a free download from Samson's website. Upon download, the software resides on your computer's taskbar and provides incredible features for online communication. Sound Deck uses Digital Noise Reduction algorithms to minimize recurring background noise from loud environments, ensuring only clean, natural sounding vocals are received by your family, friends or business associates. They'll feel as if you were in the room talking to them live.

Take It Anywhere

High-quality components, versatile features and pristine full-range audio have made Samson an industry leader in professional audio solutions known for their fidelity and reliability. As such, Samson invites you to take the incredible sound of Go Mic Direct, Samson's most portable and innovative USB microphone to date, to any environment.

Product Dimensions

?4.5 x 1.2 x 4.5 inches

Shipping Weight

?1.6 ounces




Item model number








[104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時











人民幣持續弱勢,中國外儲流失,美銀美林及德商銀行昨不約而同看淡來年的人民幣表現。美銀美林董事總經理兼大中華首席經濟學家喬虹預計人民幣兌美元會持續貶值,今年底見 7,明年底見 7.25;德國商業銀行亞洲高級經濟學家周浩亦估計,在岸人民幣將見 7.15,離岸人民幣將見約 7.2 水平。

香港《文匯報》援引喬虹表示,預計人民幣兌美元會持續貶值,今年底見 7,明年底見 7.25。對於中國外匯儲備規模再錄得跌幅,11 月僅約 3.05 兆美元,連續第 5 個月下降,她認為該趨勢反映外匯儲備需求增加,以及人民幣需求減少。在未來 3 至 4 個月,外匯儲備規模或會進一步下跌,但速度不會如 10 月至 11 月般快,不會出現失控情況,即使跌至 3 萬億美元以下亦不用擔心。


周浩昨預計,明年中國經濟增長將保持穩定於 6.5%,美元兌人民幣匯率將升至 7.15 水平,兌離岸人民幣將會約 7.2 水平,美元計價的債券值得吸納。 德商行又指,料明年澳元及加元將會跑贏大市,因該地樓市受到中國投資者追捧。又預計中國會趨向風險管理,不預期央行明年會有減息行動。

市傳中國有關部門限制內地居民以銀聯卡繳交保費,並將有關限制擴大到萬事達卡及 Visa 卡,周浩認為此舉的確會令資金外流速度減慢,但相信大趨勢擋不住,因相信中國人仍有其他渠道繳交保費。他相信明年中國企業仍會持續「走出去」進行併購,但估計在歐洲市場的金額將會下跌,反而會轉向「一帶一路」沿線國家。

德商行亞洲固定收益研究副總裁賀烜來預計,明年亞洲發債規模可達 1950 億至 2150 億美元,當中比價熊貓債發債規模在 2018 年可達 600 億美元。明年較看好短期投資級別債券及高息債券,板塊方面,則看好租賃公司及有作商品投資的公司。

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